Trust and Transparency

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Amanda Lee Keammerer. Amanda is the founder and CEO of Javilud, transforming innovation at the intersection of technology, people, politics, and art through consulting services, signature events, and creative collaborations.

Born and raised in San Antonio, Amanda Lee Keammerer is the founder and CEO of Javilud, a consulting firm leading at the intersection of people, politics, tech, and art through programs and services.

Previously, Amanda was the Vice President of Cybersecurity and director of the CyberSecurity San Antonio program at the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. Before returning to Texas, Amanda worked for the Federal CIO and first Federal CISO at the White House. Prior to serving in the Obama administration, Amanda coordinated digital marketing projects at the Kaiser Family Foundation, and managed community relations at the LULAC National Office in Washington, D.C.

From 2019 to 2021, Amanda served as an Honorary Commander with the 502d Communications Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio. In 2020, Amanda was nationally recognized as a Latinx Next Generation Leader in National Security & Foreign Policy.

Currently, Amanda is a Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project. She is the author of a forthcoming bilingual children’s book series on cybersecurity awareness, and the founder of National Cyber Signing Day.

Amanda earned her MA in Global Communication with a double concentration in national security policy and IT policy from The George Washington University. She earned her BA in Russian and Government from Smith College.

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:27] Who is Amanda Lee Keammerer?

  • “The Cyber Queen of San Antonio”

[00:55] How does Amanda come into the Cyber Space?

  • Amanda’s journey from LULAC to Cyber Security
  • What are the skills Amanda learned from LULAC that helps her in the Cyber Space?
  • Privacy policies have a different meaning for different people.

[06:38] What is Privacy for Non-Social Media People?

[08:36] Cyber and privacy policies for mid-size employers…

  • “Budget” is an important characteristic of cybersecurity in any organization.
  • Cyber Mishappenings can take place in any sector.

[13:30] Communication interest and using technology strategically towards your business goal can help to overcome Cyber problems.

[15:09] Allison’s email automation tool was hacked!

[18:25] How can businesses take advantage of the frameworks offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)?

  • What is the advantage of NIST for mid-size and small-size businesses?
  • There is a lot of transparency about things that may or may not affect your businesses provided by the government.
  • Participating in the process is really important to any business or organization.

[22:09] What are the two parts of trust?

  • Relationships are the key feature in any business!
  • Open communication channels are important to build trust and relationships in businesses.
  • Building trust and being action-oriented will definitely benefit your business.

[31:00] What would Amanda like to see in the Cyber Community of San Antonio?

  • What is Amanda’s goal for this year?

Memorable Quotes:

“Crisis also comes with opportunities”

“We are humans, we can’t remember everything so we should have daily checklists and documentation.”

“Good advice of upfront is always invaluable.”

“People shouldn’t expect privacy at work, which is often uncommunicated!”

Special Reminder:

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Reach out to Amanda Lee Keammerer:

Connect with Allison:

YouTube: Altiqe

LinkedIn: Allison De Paoli


Please Email her at

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