The Flywheel of Employee Wellbeing

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Jennifer Gamboa.

Jennifer Gamboa spent her entire career working to advance the health of people and communities through 3 different corporate endeavors: Body Dynamics, Inc; Rehab Essentials; and Sustainable Health Index.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, she began her career founding Body Dynamics, Inc, an interdisciplinary clinic that integrates physical therapy and other wellness services to maximize function, prevent illness, and empower whole health. Now in it’s 25th year, BDI continues to lead the way in systematically integrating plans of care to advance the health of individuals as well as working with organizations and communities to design programs that improve the health and well-being their people.

She began teaching Health and Wellness for the Physical Therapist for a wonderful on-line education company, Rehab Essentials (RE). She is now teaching Foundations in Population Health for Rehab Professionals, direct RE’s Lifestyle Certificate Program, and as of September 2019, joined the RE Executive Team as their Chief Operating Officer.

She learned over the years that systematically integrating care and aligning resources can be a huge challenge in our silo-d medical environment. This led her to develop the Sustainable Health Index (SHI): initially a data intelligence system to help the practitioners and patients at BDI understand the full-context of health, health beliefs, health behaviors, and community barriers influencing outcomes.

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:25] Who is Jennifer Gamboa? [05:25]

  • How did Jennifer start at the sustainable health index?
  • Body dynamics with counseling!
  • How do anxiety and depression affect your sympathetic nervous system?

[05:28] Sustainable Health Index is like a Radar graph! [09:03]

  • Lifestyle, behavior, and modification support better health.
  • Jennifer provides a less expensive, group and one on one environment to the people.

[09:58] How is the Sustainable Health Index different from others? [15:58]

  • Jennifer’s strategy for working with employers…

[21:18] Most employers don’t understand the everyday financial stress of the people. [24:00]

  • What are the factors Jennifer considers before working with a company?

[24:33] Business exists to produce profit, but humans mean to be healthy and productive. [25:18]

  • We don’t wanna focus on sick care; we want a focus on welfare.”

[25:25] What is the social-ecological model? [32:25]

  • What is the Fish, Bowl, and Water Theory?
  • Jennifer’s first case study on students…
  • What was the result of Jennifer’s case study?

[34:22] Take away from today’s episode! [34:48]

[36:25] Jennifer’s best piece of advice for employers… [37:52]

[38:52] Education is not about change. It’s about building the essential relationships to drive change. [41:00]

Memorable Quotes:

“Invest wisely in your people, the same as investing wisely in your business.”

“You can’t address little things; you must address the whole community.”

“Choose your company partners wisely.”

“Sustainable health index is not a linear equation but a quadratic one.”

“Education is not the same as action.”

Special Reminder:

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Reach out to Jennifer Gamboa:


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YouTube: Altiqe

LinkedIn: Allison De Paoli


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