Stewardship is not a Commodity

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Steve Watson.

Steve Watson has a diverse background and a lot of titles that can be put after his name – CEO, CFO, CHRO, and CPA. It could be intimidating, until you meet him.

Rather than riding the wave and seeking ever more important positions, Steve looks for ways to give back. He grew up on a sheep farm in Utah, earned his degree in business and international finance at BYU, got married, worked in accounting, and at the age of 26, moved to Brazil and took a job as finance director for a publicly traded company.

Five years later, in 2009, he moved his growing family back to the U.S and took a position as a CFO at a mid-sized social work company in Phoenix, Arizona. It wasn’t long before they asked him to take on the role of Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), saying the roles were similar. He wasn’t sure if they were kidding about that or not.

All the different titles he wears could be confusing, but Steve has found a unique way to put them all together and complement each other.

Are you ready to Raise the Bar?

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Conversation Highlights:

[01:28] How to identify the actual problems of healthcare costs?

[05:35] How does Steve approach the problem of employees?

  • Many employers look at the healthcare budget as a commodity.

[08:16] How Steve portrays stewardship among his colleagues?

[11:19] What is the Employee Benefits Academy?

[15:03] What are the responsibilities of an employer?

[17:49] What conversation to have with stakeholders?

  • HR and finance relations are very important in any company.

[23:39] There should be a frank conversation with employees.

[24:15] Why is Steve trying to help a thousand employees?

[24:45] What are the Three steps to solve any problem?

Memorable Quotes:

“Better relationship between HR and finance is the solution to many problems.”

“Your premium is their revenue.”

Do everything you can but it should not impact your employees.”

Special Reminder:

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