Rebuilding Trust in Your Business

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Ami Feller. Ami is the owner of Roofer Chicks, New Braunfels’ Top Roofing Contractor.

Ami Feller was born and raised in Marshalltown, Iowa. She graduated from Iowa State University in 1997 with a BS in Transportation & Logistics and a BA in German.

In 2010 she received her MBA from University of Phoenix. While attending Iowa State, her brother Scott started a roofing crew during the summers, and Ami went to work for him on the crew, eventually becoming the crew foreman. After graduation, she got a “real job” – Ami has worked at Wal-Mart, Caterpillar, Airborne/DHL Express and Coca-Cola.

She felt something lacking in corporate America and returned to the roofing industry in 2012. Her brother Scott and his wife Stacie and Ami started Feller Roofing & Remodeling.

In 2016, Ami split off on her own and opened Feller Roofing of New Braunfels, which was renamed Roofer Chicks in 2021. She is known around town and on YouTube as “The Roofer Chick.”

In October 2020, Ami started an entirely female roofing crew; she is actively working to change the stigma of women in the trades. Aside from roofing, Ami is an active member in Rotary International, the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce, the Women’s Business Alliance, National Association of Women Business Owner (NAWBO), and her church. She sits on the board for Habitat for Humanity and the Brauntex (our local historic theatre). She is a single mom of one amazing daughter, Hannah, who is currently 14.

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:24] Who is Ami Feller? [04:39]

●    How was Ami’s work experience in a male-dominant environment?

●    How did Ami grow her social media?

[06:45] How does Ami pull women towards her organization? [09:36]

[09:37] What is the Moms of New Braunfels Uncensored Group? [12:58]

●    How does Ami manage different groups and help in growing the pink community?

[13:49] What made Ami a million-dollar business executive?  [17:54]

●    The 10-day challenge!

●    Covid was the turning point in Ami’s business.

[17:58] The Imposter Incident… [25:29]

●    How did Ami repair trust in her office after that incident?

[28:09] Ami’s best piece of advice [30:07]

●    Consider looking at your credit card statement. Here’s why?

[30:10] How did Ami go from five employees to twenty? [33:06]

●    How does Ami manage to recruit employees?

●    Hiring quality people is more important than quantity.

[34:20] Ami’s thought process behind Roofer Chicks [36:33]

●    Decisions are not permanent.

Memorable Quotes:

“Don’t compete with your customer on price; compete on quality.”

“Survival mode is not fun at all!”

Special Reminder:

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Reach out to Ami Feller:

●    LinkedIn:

●    Instagram:

●    Twitter:

●    Email:                





Contact: 830-783-1328

Connect with Allison:

YouTube: Altiqe

LinkedIn: Allison De Paoli


Please Email her at

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