
“The most important business process is identifying Who is not your client!” This is what our today’s guest, Darryl has to say.

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Darryl Lyons. He is the founder and CEO of PAX Financial Group, LLC, Author, Forbes council member.

Darryl Lyons is one of PAX Financial’s three founders and current CEO. His commitment to ongoing professional development is exemplified by his membership in relevant professional groups, such as the National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB), C12 Group, Dave Ramsey Investment Advisory Council, and Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management Advisory Council.

Before PAX, Darryl was on track for a future on Wall Street, but his love for Texas and dreams of a more rewarding career led him to create PAX Financial instead. Influenced both by an upbringing without privileges and close association with associates whose wealth failed to make them happier, Darryl’s mission is both to aid clients in growing their wealth and guide clients toward aligning their wealth with their values and goals.

In his time outside of PAX, Darryl has lobbied in DC for small business reform, chaired a board that redeveloped part of San Antonio, published books and articles, and co-founded a non-profit in Moldova. His faith and church memberships are integral to both his personal and professional development. He carves out time to join church committees, including financial committees and international ministry committees, while also facilitating a Bible study that helps men to be better husbands and fathers.

Darryl’s ambition is to create a legacy that exists within people whose lives have been bettered via contact with him.

Are you ready to Raise the Bar?

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:58] How does Darryl Lyons identify new customers?

  • The most important process of business is identifying Who is not your client!

[03:33] What are the challenges in financial services?

[06:27] Definition of Retirement is different for everyone.

[07:44] What type of financial process does Darryl provide?

  • What are people’s priorities?

[11:45] Darryl’s “Family with Special Needs children” policy?

[14:30] The Best Financial Advice…

[15:30] Anxiety and stress are huge factors at the workplace!

[16:55] Darryl is a James Clear fan!

[20:44] The tool you need to build an employee engagement strategy that works.

[21:15] What are the books written by Darryl Lyons?

[22:54] Darryl’s experience as a Forbes Council Member.

[24:35] Takeaway from Today’s Episode

Memorable Quotes:

“Business is mutually profitable.”

“Anxiety is the key if you are dealing with society day by day.”

“Acknowledging yourself is a great key to dealing with anxiety.”

Special Reminder:

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Reach out to Darryl Lyons:


PAX Financial Group, LLC

Darryl’s Podcast: Retire in Texas:

YouTube Charitable Video: PAX 2021 Giving Challenge


Darryl’s Latest Articles:


Connect with Allison:

YouTube: Altiqe

LinkedIn: Allison De Paoli

Website: https://altiqe.com  

Please Email her at clientcare@altiqe.com

Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and other major podcasting platforms.

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