Making The Business Of Medicine Work For Employers

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Keith Smith. Keith is the House Supervisor at Legent Orthopedic and Spine Hospital.

Dr. G. Keith Smith is a board certified anesthesiologist in private practice since 1990.  In 1997 he co-founded The Surgery Center of Oklahoma and in 2009 launched a website displaying all-inclusive pricing for various surgical procedures. Canadians, beneficiaries of self-funded insurance plans and cost sharing ministries and uninsured individuals have spent millions of dollars on other things, thanks to this free market approach to medical service delivery.

He has made appearances on the Lew Rockwell Show, the Bob Murphy Show, EconTalk with Russ Roberts, the John Stossel Show, CNBC, Huffington Post, The O’Reilly Factor, Capital Account, The Ron Paul Channel, NBC Nightly News, CBS News and has been featured by Reason Magazine’s TV division. The New York Times, Time Magazine, ABC news, Forbes and many others have written articles featuring Dr.Smith’s revolutionary approach to the pricing of health care and uncompromising free market principles.

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:17] Who is Keith Smith? [02:25]

  • How did Keith’s journey start?

[02:33] Why did Keith decide to publish the Pricing? [08:59]

  • It’s not only the insurance company but the hospital working with the insurance company to make blacklists.
  • Keith launched his website with all-inclusive pricing.
  • Keith’s most humorous conversation about fair pricing?

[09:00] How was Allison’s experience with Keith? [14:40]

  • Keith’s treatment is easy and cost-effective!
  • How does Keith make things simple not just for patients but for surgeons as well?

[14:41] Keith hires surgeons on a contract basis! [18:46]

  • “Easy come, easy go.”
  • It’s always better when doctors work for patients.
  • Physicians need to be paid by those whom they serve.
  • Physicians work for hospitals, not for patients!

[20:34] Why is Direct Primary Care a revolution? [23:41]

  • What are the benefits of Direct Primary Care?

[23:42] What is the Relative Value Unit(RVU)? [26:52]

  • What are the benefits of RVU?

[28:31] Keith’s opinion on Pricing Transparency requirements for hospitals. [32:38]

  • What are the pros and cons of price transparency?

[32:40] Keith’s mentorship and engagement with Medical Students. [35:36]

  • Other than hospital employment, there are many options for medical students.
  • Keith’s message to Medical Students

[35:38] Keith’s best piece of advice for consumers and employers! [39:57]

Memorable Quotes:

“Doctors make terrible employees.”

“Doctors are not necessarily making their decision in the interest of patients but the interest of facilities.”

“Hospitals can own doctors, but doctors can’t own hospitals!”

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