If you are fully insured for your employee benefits, this article is for YOU.

50 second read

Data comes at you from every direction, right? 🤔

There are so many numbers and statistics out in today’s market that make up our world; but if our health benefits are fully insured… well, not so much, right?

Every year, you get blindsided with a bill that makes no sense… and there’s nothing you can do about it… and you can’t figure out why. 👀

Wrong! Or maybe I should say, that isn’t true any longer. 🙅‍♀️

There is a way to get your claims information – if you have 2 employees or if you have 500 employees. 😊

Getting your data allows you to:

Have better negotiating power at renewal – you’ll know what your claims costs actually are and can negotiate the ridiculous “trend” number.

Or, make an informed decision to move to an employer controlled environment and be able to answer these questions:

1) Is it time to move?
2) How much risk should we take on?
3) How much more financial advantageous would this be for us?

Curious? Link in the comments. 👇

And we’d love to know what you think?! ❤

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