How to Grow Great Leaders in Mid-size Companies

Listen in for how the most dynamic businesses in the country continue to succeed and take on new challenges no matter what!

In this episode of Raising The Bar Podcast, Allison talks with Don Ochsenreiter, the President & CEO of Dollamur Sport Surfaces. He has significant strategic, operations, and financial management experience in sporting goods. With strategy management consulting experience at McKinsey and Accenture, Don’s organizational restructuring, complex problem solving, and process improvement skills are over the top. He possesses strong cross-functional team leadership, development, and project management skills.

Are you ready to Raise the Bar?

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Conversation Highlights:

[00:24] – [03:54] Who is Don Ochsenreiter?

  • Talent is entirely emotional!
  • Time is the key that teaches us to judge talent.
  • Being healthy is more important than being successful.

[04:05] – [07:57] What did Don learn from “The NO Asshole Rule” book?

  • The wrong person in an organization is equal to Cancer!

[08:00] – [12:54] Management and Leadership are two different skill sets?

  • How does Don help managers to become leaders?
  • What is the difference between management and leadership?
  • What does Don look for in a leader?

[14:24] – [15:48] How does Don manage between Old Experience Managers and the Youth?

[16:40] – [21:36] Why is a mentor important to midsize companies?

  • What is the terrible thing in organizations?
  • Companies should allow people to move and expand their interests and talent.

[21:39] – [22:55] What does Don’s Hiring Process look like?

[24:09] – [25:39] How to grow Small and Mid-size Companies into Larger ones?

[28:59] – [31:11] The Best Way to Effectively manage people!

Memorable Quotes:

“Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.”

“You don’t have to be a micromanager if you are a leader.”

“Good managers are also good mentors.”

Special Reminder:

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