The 10%

Here is a brand-new take on The Pareto Principal… let’s call it the Lack (thanks to Craig Lack!) Principal: 10% of your employees are driving 90% of your costs.

When most people talk about The Pareto Principal, they don’t think it applies to benefits. Take a look at your claims data (you have that… right?)

You will see that a small percentage of your employees are driving most of your costs.

You can control that… not 100% of course, but enough to reduce your Spec hits and keep your costs predictable and repeatable.

When others talk about controlling your costs, they don’t go into nearly enough detail – they barely scratch the surface and then guess what? No results, or none you would want at any rate.

Good thing is…they leave out all the exciting possibilities for people like us.

I have packaged all this goodness into our weekly video.

Want your hands on the “The 10%”?

Go here == >

  • • The one strategy that will help you control your costs over time so that you can control your budget over time.
  • • How to lessen the severity of high claimants so they have less impact on your fixed costs.
  • • Why you need to implement these tools asap so that your healthcare budget will become predictable and repeatable.
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